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The MedBiquitous® Program uses web technologies to address the current challenge faced by the health professions — that there is little technology integration and coordination among entities and systems.

Standards, software, documentation, and other items in the program are subject to the MedBiquitous Standards Public License and Terms of Use.

Allows for electronic compilation of Continuing Education (CE) and certificate data across providers for easier tracking of lifelong learning and improvement. 

Uses competencies and learning outcomes to structure education and performance management systems, allowing for searchable curriculum. 

Used with the Competency Framework, allows for representation of unique competency objects, including learning outcomes, objectives, and goals.

Facilitates exchange and aggregation of curriculum data across the continuum of education/training to support research and benchmarking. 

Enables the exchange of data about an individual's financial interests and other information required for disclosures. 

Enables exchange of learner achievement and competency data across the continuum of professional education and entrustment decisions. 

Extends the LEAP2A specification for e-portfolios, providing a consistent format for detailing a learner's path through programs of study. 

Standardizes descriptions of learning activities and content to maximize the value and ease of sharing with other educators. 

Standardizes the format for Continuing Education (CE) outcomes data, allowing educators to share across systems and organizations for better research. 

Allows for standardized representation of performance levels related to competencies and makes learner data portable through one's career. 

Provides a standard format for profile data on health care professionals, making it easier to exchange and compile data across organizations. 

Enables the exchange of virtual patients across systems for scalable development and implementation across Health Professions Education (HPE) settings. 

Allows applications to share data about human performance, enabling interoperability across health care simulation and clinical training tools.