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For organizations that create substantial learning content and activities, it can be difficult to find the correct content when and where it is needed. As a result, learners miss learning opportunities and developers reinvent learning content, which increases the cost of education development.

Healthcare Learning Object Metadata (Healthcare LOM) provides a standard way to describe learning activities and content, making it possible to maximize the value of content and connect to the broader community of health care educators.

Standardizing Healthcare LOM is accomplished by:

  • Creating health care specific extensions to learning object metadata.
  • Creating Sharable Content Object Reference Model usage guidelines for health care.
  • Defining requirements for related web services.
  • Defining requirements for medical learning resource repositories or registries.


Develop XML standards and web services requirements and descriptions to enable interoperability, accessibility, and reusability of web-based medical learning content. 


  • Enables interoperability, accessibility, and reusability of web-based medical learning content.

  • Facilitates easier location of educational resources within or across collections.
  • Allows for easier management of curricula.
  • Enables integration of learning resources into clinical decision support, personal health records, and portfolios.


Download the charter (PDF)