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Standards Updated with JSON!

All current MedBiquitous standards have been updated to include JSON downloadable files.

Register now for this one-day symposium on data standards, edtech, and industry collaboration in precision and competency-based education!

2025 Data Symposium: Designing the Future

Now we need your input and engagement! Feedback on these frameworks is encouraged.

IACAI AI Integration Vision and Frameworks Feedback Form

The AAMC is committed to supporting and leading the advancement of AI in academic medicine with a focus on equitable access and ethical use.

Internet technology and people's networks use AI to help with work

Explore critical concepts, the current landscape, and practical strategies drawn from various perspectives and institutions.

AI Brain

Join an Engaged Community


The Data, Technology, and Innovation community space is a dynamic platform for professionals to explore the intersection of health professions education and emerging technologies. It fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing by serving as a space to discuss cutting-edge technologies, helpful resources, and innovative solutions. Through interactive discussions, resources, and events, the community aims to drive the future of health professions education forward.

Join our community

Keep in Touch With the MedBiquitous Program

The MedBiquitous Program distributes an electronic newsletter, MedBiquitous Community Connection, to inform its members and the larger community of activities. 
